Our Mission

The mission of the San Juan Historical Society and its Museum is to gather and interpret the heritage of San Juan Island, sharing it with current and future generations. To fulfill that mission the Museum collects, preserves, and exhibits buildings, photos, oral histories, artifacts and other items of local historical interest for the education and enjoyment of our community.

Director and Board of Trustees

Executive Director Kevin Loftus

Kevin has been the Executive Director of the Museum since 2008. His responsibilities include working with the Board of Trustees, meeting with the public, leading tour groups, arranging research visits, working on exhibit development, and the on-going challenge of maintaining the Museum’s property and buildings, most over a century old.


Board of Trustees

Andy Zall, President

Jennifer Rigg, Vice President

Shannon Hawkins, Secretary

Becky Sundstrom, Treasurer


Mary Jane Anderson

Mary Jo Bolte

Tawny Martel Galligan

Peter Anna Grisel

Keith Guard

Romona Jones

Mary Nash

Kevin Roth

Craig Starr